The Sprout of Love and Unity
- Size: 4.5″ × 4.5″
- Materials: watercolour
The roots of this sprout are glowing brightly and vastly, while comparatively, the roots of the large flowers are dark and small. This is representative of the realities of our times, while seemingly some solutions and strategies may appear grand and constructive, innately their roots are not supported by a core set of values and principles. However, when the plant is being supported by love and care, unity and accompaniment, as opposed to the blindness in the focus on materialism, the foundation of our communities would be much richer than the entire garden’s roots combined. It is interesting how some of the biggest seeming realities of our society are based upon foundations that are weak, small and dark. And yet, there are glimpses of love, unity, accompaniment, and nourishment towards constructive principles that are ever strengthening the roots of the sprouts of our communities.